1 de maio de 2005

Lomografia para as massas

Lomografia parece ser a nova moda por aí. Para quem não tem uma lomo, vale testar essas dicas para 'lomografização' de imagens no Photoshop (copiado do site http://yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au/~tbujor/blog/archives/000010lomo_effect_in_photoshop.php):

File: Open: the picture you want

Image: Adjustments: Brightness/Contrast: increase contrast by 20

Image: Adjustments: Hue/Saturation: increase saturation by 20

Choose the Rectangular Marquee Tool (your basic selection tool)

Change feather amount to 1/12 the width of your picture (if your picture is 600px wide, as all mine are, then you will set your feather to 50px.

Select your entire picture note: using select: all, will not work

Select: Inverse

Layer: New: Layer

Change your primary color to black. Fill the selection (on the new, blank layer).

Change the blend mode of this layer to Overlay

Layer: Duplicate Layer

Now select your base layer (the one with the picture on it).

Layer: New: Layer

Change your fill tool to Gradient

Change your Gradient Type to Spherical

Change your Gradient Shading Style to "foreground to transparent" (I believe this is the default).

Change your primary color to white.

With the fill tool selected, click in the middle of the picture, and drag the line out to the farthest edge of your picture (if it's a portrait, use top or bottom, if landscape, use left or right).

Change the blend mode of this layer to Overlay

Change the Opacity of this layer to 80% (or whatever you see fit, you'll see what I mean).

Outras referências: http://www.swisswuff.ch/pnphoenix721/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=69

Mais sobre lomografia: www.lomography.com

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